Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sleep More!!

Why?? This post is for those living in A2-04-02 Amanah Apartment.

Of course, in a less busy world we would all grab extra shut-eye. But it could have more effect on your health than you think.

1) It could boost your memory.
Sleeping is a process of making new pendrive of at least 2G in the brain. A Harvard experiment showed that subjects taught complex finger movements like a piano scale recalled them much better after 12 hours' sleep than 12 hours' wakefulness. Another study showed that working into the night slowed thinking skills, both at the time and during the next day. For those who wants to go Harvard, sleep now!! So that you can become one of them... And for JY, sleep more so that you remember someone's face all the time (JY - don't kill me... thanks).

2) It boosts the immune system.
People with insomnia and suffering from depression had fewer disease-fighting cells in their blood. Moreover, melatonin, produced when you sleep, is a cancer-fighting antioxidant.

3) It can slow down ageing.
People who sleep 6-7 hours a night lived longer than those sleeping less than 4.5 hours. So, Kok Bin, dont be so hardworking la... Life is precious, SAT is just a test (LOL...).


1 comment:

  1. LOL..nice piece. ok, will try my best to follow d advices. i don't wanna get old dat quick. thanx 4 d tips!
